
Some of our Charcuti® Chorizo comes from a traditionally run company from Girona in Spain at the foot of the Pyrenees.


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Some of our Charcuti® Chorizo comes from a traditionally run company from Girona in Spain at the foot of the Pyrenees. They have been producing Pork for over 50 years, still following guidelines inherited from generations of farmers and master butchers. Alongside cutting-edge technology, to achieve food safety and process efficiency to create high-quality chorizo, the same respect for traditional procedures is maintained in order to ensure flavour is the top priority in the curing process.


The farms where our Charcuti® Chorizo pork is produced all have animal welfare policies following the guidelines of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). As well as staff training in animal welfare and internal and external farm and transport to ensure high-quality animal welfare and transparency through the food chain.