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Contact us

Customer Service

Looking to open a new account, got a query or just want to get in touch? Simply complete the form and press ‘Send Message’.

We’ll be back in contact within 2 working days.

Alternatively, you can call our customer service team
8:00am-16:30pm Mon-Fri on 0115 968 3190


London HQ “The Circle”
Units  10-12, The Circle, Queen Elizabeth Street, London, SE1 2JE

Dartford depot
Unit E, Rennie Drive, Dartford, DA1 5FD

Chelmsford depot & office
1-7 Beaufort Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6ZJ

Nottingham Office & Telesales
Leathams Ltd, Unit A-F, Isaac Newton Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2RH